My first Rotary meeting was today! It went very well. It started with dinner, where I met a bunch of kindly Rotarians. Then we sat down to the meeting, which began by singing several songs, about Rotary, Karaoke style. And, there was one in English! After that, we sang happy birthday to four Rotarians who had recent birthdays. The cake was very good! 😋 The presenter was incredibly passionate, to the point where although I couldn't understand him he was entertaining to watch. Then I introduced myself to the club (in Chinese!) The president, Rick Chen gave me our club's banner, my monthly allowance, and an awesome pin. I gave him an American flag banner and pin. It all went over very well, and many pictures followed. It was much longer than the meetings I'm used to. From 6 to 9! Granger Sunrise Rotary only has hour-long meetings!
My name tag. Can you guess which characters are my Chinese name? |
All women's' sister club was a guest at today's meeting. (I love their matching dresses and blazers!!) |
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